3 Key Benefits of Fostering Successful Community Partnerships

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Community Involvement in After School Programs

"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." -Henry Ford


After school programs can benefit from the resources and expertise of local businesses, organizations and individuals. Effective partnerships can strengthen programs and provide students with additional support, instruction and inspiration.


Community partnerships are essential to increasing student achievement, and they challenge citizens to feel ownership, share accountability for results and support sustaining change. Fostering successful community partnerships offers further benefits:


  • Additional resources: Through partnerships, programs gain access to resources that may not be available otherwise, such as technology, sports equipment or people. Programs are then able to provide a richer and more meaningful learning experience for students.
  • Real-world experiences: Partners can visit your program and bring real-world applications of the concepts students are learning, such as demonstrating how math is used at work or serving as a judge for a drama performance.
  • Advocacy: As you build relationships with community businesses and organizations, you will have the opportunity to share your program’s mission and successes. The community will be enlightened about the importance of high-quality after school programming and can advocate on your behalf.

To learn more about after school programs and partnerships, explore toolkits, resources and guides from the After School Alliance.