6 Seussical Activities to Celebrate Read Across America Day

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NEA's Read Across America Day


Every year on NEA's Read Across America Day, educators, parents and communities across the country join together to share their love of reading and help cultivate a love of reading in students.

It is also a time to celebrate the wonderful works of one of the most beloved authors, Dr. Seuss. Below are 6 activities to kick-start your Seussical celebration:


  • Exercise students’ brains with a Read Across America word search puzzle. Word search puzzles help to improve letter and word recognition and increase students’ vocabulary.
  • Create the “sweet” version of green eggs and ham using candy melts, green M&Ms, wax paper, a squeeze bottle and a template.
  • Make hand-print Seuss “Things” using red and blue paint, white construction paper, googly eyes and a black permanent marker.
  • Create a “Cat Gets a New Hat” board. Have students decorate new hats for the famous Dr. Seuss character and hang them up for display.
  • Read Bartholomew and the Oobleck and mix your own batch of Oobleck! You will need two cups of cornstarch, one cup of water, a few drops of food coloring and a bowl.
  • If all else fails, grab a few of your favorite Dr. Seuss books and bring the characters to life! For an added touch, dress up as your favorite character.