Effective Grant Writing Tips for After School Leaders
Responding to a request for proposal (RFP) or submitting a grant application can seem daunting. However, with an organized approach, many educators find success with grants to support new program initiatives. From enhanced technology to new curriculum and professional development, applying for grants can support your educational goals. Read on for some proven approaches to effective grant writing.
Step 1: Conduct an organizational needs assessment.
- Clarify your organization’s expectations, goals and objectives.
- Receive feedback from staff, students, families and the community.
- Research appropriate grants and funding sources.
Step 2: Get organized.
- Form a grant-writing team with colleagues of diverse backgrounds and skills.
- Set timelines and assign responsibilities.
- Gather necessary data on your organization, staff and students.
Step 3: Approach each section of the grant application separately.
- Abstract: Be direct, short and positive.
- Introduction: Briefly describe your organization’s history and successes.
- Needs: Be specific, use examples or stories and address your target population.
- Goals and Objectives: Specify desired outcomes and how they align with the grant maker’s goals.
- Activities and Personnel: Detail how you’ll implement your proposal and with whom.
- Evaluation: Develop a data-collection plan, and demonstrate that, together, you and the grant maker will make a difference in the lives of students.
- Budget: Be reasonable, accurate and detailed.
Step 4: Submit your grant application.
- Double-check that you’ve met all requirements.
- Edit one final time.
- Follow the submission format.
- Communicate with the grant maker that your application is on its way.
Remember that no grant is too small, and that all funding sources have the potential to improve your program and help you serve your students better!